Weekly vs. Daily

I am full of structure and rules.  I am hard on myself when I don't follow the things I set up for myself.  I find it hard to forgive myself for not doing what I think I'm supposed to do.

The first blog that I wrote was a required part of a contest I won.  I had to write it daily.  Ever since then, I feel that all the blogs I write  need to be daily.  Sometimes this was easy to do.  I would write first thing in the morning or it would be the last thing I did at night...like now.  Only I haven't written anything in six days!  In fact, I've only written about 20 posts since Thanksgiving.

So why does this upset me?  Perhaps I didn't have anything to write about.  Or maybe, I didn't want to share how I was feeling.  Or maybe, I was just too busy to write.  Even now, I'm not sure which is the true reason I didn't write daily. It's probably a combination of all three scenarios.  

Whatever the reason, I know that when I blog or journal, whenever I write, I am processing my thoughts.  I have been single for over 25 years.  I have not always had someone to bounce my thoughts off of.  Writing does that for me.  When I do not take the time to write or to process the things that are happening in my life or the thoughts that I am thinking, they do not benefit me in the way that they do when I do take the time to write.

So I just have to remember, that I write to process.  I write to exhale.  I write to help me and hopefully to help others understand that life is hard, and sometimes it's not.  I want to share the good things that go on in my life and the strategies I've used to help turn the not so good things that happen in life better.


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