Forty Days of Change


Soon we all will have been in quarantine for a year. A year of staying home. A year of staying away from other people.  Away from the people we work with, our friends, our family.  It's been difficult for everyone.  It's been difficult for me.  I've been struggling with taking care of myself. I worry about my family, my dog, our country...just about anything to keep me from caring for myself.  

Well now's the time to look in the mirror and get back to the basics.  My clothes are feeling snug.  My sleep is not as deep.  I'm sure I'm more on the depressed side than not and I saw the number 200 on the scale this morning. 

And so I will write.  Writing is therapy to me.  I will eat better than I have been.  I will move my body through space.  I will brush my teeth. I will stretch.  I will read and I will pray.  Twenty days to break habits and twenty days to develop better ones!


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