Family Photos

My stairwell is full of family photos.  As I crawl slowly up and down the stairs I am reminded of my life.  I see photos of my parents, Norma & Chuck and my God-parents, Aunt Catherine & Uncle Steve.  There is a photo of my mom with her grand-children.  I remember how hard it was to get everyone there for at the same time, all for a Mother's Day gift.  Most of the photos are of my kids.  They range from infants to high school graduation photos.  Many family photos are from the church directory.

As I look at these photos, I think to myself, how did I ever survive being a single mother of four kids under six years old?  I know I didn't do it alone.  I survived because I surrounded myself with family.  I know that I didn't always do what was popular.  Heck, I still don't do what is 'popular'.   But I know that I always did the best I could.

I have learned alot from the mistakes I have made.  I'm not the same person as I was 25 years ago.  I wouldn't want to be that version of me.  I love all of my children very much.  I'm proud of who they have grown into.  I know that they are doing the best they can and that they too, will learn alot from the mistakes they make along the way. I know how hard it is to let them make mistakes.  (My mom & dad let me make alot of mistakes!) I hope they know that I want the best for them.  I hope that they find supportive family and friends, to surround themselves with as they begin to grow their families and fill their walls with memories.


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