Pre-Op Nerves

I am nervous. Tomorrow morning I will have surgery on my left foot to remove an extra bone that I've had since birth and repair the damage it has done to my posterior tibia tendon.

I'm not really sure why I'm nervous as I've had many surgeries throughout my life.  Perhaps I'm anxious to finally be pain free.  I've been complaining about foot pain my entire life.  My parents thought I was just hard on shoes and purchased "nurse's" shoes (orthopedic) for me while I was in elementary school.  This cost them more, but they lasted longer.  As I grew up, I knew that I had to purchase 'supportive' shoes.  My coaches would tell be to suck up the pain if I complained that my feet hurt. Through adulthood, I purchased new athletic shoes every 2-3 months.

Given that I am NOT a distance runner, putting lots of miles on my shoes, this is extreme.  But I didn't know that.  I was raised to believe that I am hard on shoes...whatever that means.  Only recently did I learn that I was born with an extra bone in my foot.  (I'm sure God gave me a matching set and that my right foot has one too.)


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