Four More Weeks

I tried to be optimistic when I went to the doctors to remove my sutures and evaluate my healing process.  The wound looked good, and I able to use a removable boot so that I can shower.  I wanted to hear the words weight bearing...but did not.  Fortunately, Derrick had brought me to reality a few days back by stating "Mom, you're not going to walk this soon."  Although I did not want to believe him, a seed was planted.

I further investigated how long it takes for a tendon to heal ... 8 weeks and up to 12 months for full function!  I'm still trying to be optimistic...a difficult task as I'm in more pain today than I've been in 10 days.  My ankle has swollen some since they removed the sutures.  I try to remind myself that it took a long time (55 years) to injure my tendon, what's a couple of months to repair it?

Again I am learning empathy for those in pain.  I have a different understanding of independence.  I am grateful for my nine year old granddaughter, Carly, who has been my helper all these weeks.  She is doing a great job!


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