A Snow Day?

Yesterday, the weathermen were going crazy about a winter storm.  (We've had a very mild winter here in Toledo so anything gets them excited.) Anyhow, around noon, my daughter calls me from Indiana, telling me they sent everyone home from her workplace because of the storm.  I tell her it's raining here but I also thinking "perhaps this is a serious storm".

As evening arrives, I'm still waiting for the rain to turn to snow, and it finally does around nine.  I think to myself, it's going to be a quiet night of sleep, with the padding of snow silencing the neighborhood.  In reality it wasn't that quiet, so that at 5:30 a.m. when my alarm clock went off I had to mosey on down to see what was up.  The news had zero local closings or delays...and then...within 15 minutes they all fell down.  I mean really, no delays, just closed!  Happy happy joy joy - although I still have to work - I get to sleep for 2 more hours.  (I go in at 7 when there is school and at 8:30 when there is not.)

So as I was driving on the really clear roads heading to work, I spotted a pile up on the highway and decided to drive through the city.  It was beautiful!  Peaceful, clean, quiet and I love snow!  I certainly have not seen enough of it this winter!  And I certainly would've missed the view had I taken the highway.


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