
Showing posts from December, 2015

Holiday Bloat

It's Monday morning, and I have had five days of overindulging on good food, drinks, and sweets.  If you're anything like me, you forgot to increase walking and water, and most of all extra fiber.  Now you are suffering from a grand case of holiday bloat.  I had forgotten what I learned a few years ago; to eat plenty of vegetables early in the day when I knew I was going to indulge in extra meals, drinks, and of course those cookies that are only available at Christmastime. So what will I do today to relieve this bloat?  For sure, I will drink more water and walk more.  Perhaps I'll drink tea - that usually soothes my stomach.  I'm considering only protein shakes for one day before I go to the "I can only eat it if God made it" regiment:  of mostly fruits, vegetables and eggs.  I must skip the sweets, the breads, and the adult matter how tempting.  I've had more that my fill. Soon it will be January 1st and I like many of you, I too w

Christmas Spirit

It's three days before Christmas and I'm gathering my Christmas spirit.  I take it from the music I listen to at work and the movies I watch when I'm home.  I try to see it in others while I'm out and about picking up a few things.  I feel it's sweetness in the goodies that seem to be in abundance.  (My clothes are noticing as they hug me more tightly around my ever growing middle.)  I forget that it is in the GIVING of Christmas that I RECEIVE more of it's SPIRIT. I hope for my family to be happy and kind, generous and thoughtful.  I promise to be a model of patience and thoughtfulness.  I have faith in an ever loving God who promises things will be okay.  I search for love of myself and those that are different from me.  I am reminded of Christmas' past - filled with joys and sorrows - but isn't that how it's supposed to be? Sometimes, I wonder where I would be had I made different choices - only to be reminded that I'm where I'm sup

Not So Good Grief

Last night I accompanied Paul to his work Christmas Party that was held at the Hilton Garden Inn where Haylee worked.  We had lots of fun and the food was good.  I even saw a couple of former students from Central Catholic and one from my first teaching job at St. Joan of Arc.  He remember my name as soon as I walked up to him! That made me feel really good! But then, as I laid in bed waiting to fall asleep, Clarence (grief) wanted to pay a visit.  He hasn't been in the forefront lately so he really hit me hard.  I have not sobbed or perhaps wept like that in a very long time.   I wasn't too happy about that last night.  But this morning, I feel better. Holidays and memories are what bring joy to us and it's true, those that bring the greatest joy, bring the greatest sorrow.  So many people are missing family members for as many different reasons.  I'm certain they are like me, putting up a strong front, trying to enjoy the moments of today while we weep ins


Today is the last day of school before Christmas break.  I'm sure the students are almost as excited as the teachers are!  But they are for different reasons.   I too, suffered from anticipation.  You see, yesterday, I was full of hope.  I had an appointment with the podiatrist and I was hoping to be released from having to wear a boot on my left foot.  I even wore two shoes into the office. I had been wearing the boot for four weeks...since a week before Thanksgiving. Now it's a week before Christmas and I was hoping that my orthotics would be in so that I would be in shoes.  They were not.


Or maybe, Work is more than just You. A friend of mine asked me the other day: How's work going?  I paused to ponder this some and said:  You know, my job is great.  It's just that this year, I've been in chronic pain with my foot and I broke a tooth.  It seems that I'm falling apart.  Have you ever noticed that when you don't feel good, nothing is good? The entire conversation I had with her, helped me change my perspective.  I've been complaining alot, at work, about work.  When really, it's me.  I'm the one focusing on the negative.  I'm the one participating in the gossip.  I'm the one who is grouchy. I'm glad I was reminded of this universal rule: I make my own choices, see what I want to see, and choose how I feel.  I am the one in control of me.

Project 55

In honor of my 55 years on earth, I have decided to do a few things this year.  I have until my next birthday to reach my lofty goals.  I have not prioritized the list but here it is: Be kind to everyone - especially myself and my family Start getting massages again   Take care of my feet Count calories: 1550 per day limit Fix my teeth Eat 5 servings of vegetables each day Enjoy 2 or 3 servings of fruit each day Save $55 a month. (That's less than $2 a day and over $600 more than I'm saving now!) Bring my weight into a healthy range 150-160 pounds Drink 8 glasses of water each day Workup a good level of sweat during my workouts five days a week. Walk my dog 5 of 7 days a week. Have my dad over for dinner once a month Have my sister Holly over for dinner once a month Go out for fun with my four sisters more often. Volunteer more often Write Thanks yous Send Birthday cards Send Christmas/New Year notes Read more Use the reformer I got for my 50th birthday

Double Nickles

When I was younger, I couldn't wait to be 55 - the speed limit.  I thought it would be fun.  But then they raised the limit to 60 and in some places, even 70.  I bet it will be fun to reach those ages too. Each birthday, I try to reflect on the past year to see how I've grown and changed.  This year, I look back to see that my waist has grown and I've become  less optimistic and more grouchy.  What has happened to me? I don't know if it's the world today, full of terrorists, or our culture of  what seems to be 'no rules', or  our politicians doing what seems to be nothing while I work hard to be poor.  Perhaps I'm in the depression stage of mourning the loss of Haylee.   Maybe it's the chronic pain of my foot or my broken tooth.  What I do know is that I seem to have a bad case of the poor me's. Here it is my birthday and I'm not feeling too happy.  So I write to help process those feelings and get them moving out of my mind.  My boss

Sneezing Cause Slacking

It seems like whenever I have time to write, I feel a tickle in my nose and sneeze.  I am not the one sneeze type person.  I have always sneezed at least three and at most seven times in a row.  It's exhausting!  Add sneezing to my broken teeth and the extra bone in my foot and I'm feeling really old, out of shape, and tired. I gotta keep on pushing on and get out of this rut, funk, mess, or whatever this spot I'm stuck in is called. Achoo, achoo, achoo...   God Bless You!