Stuck In a Rut

I cannot believe how long it has been since I've written.  My last post date was over two weeks ago and my body is letting me know.  I'm tired, sore, and I can't play the music loud enough to drown out my thoughts.  Stress is a thief.  It takes away peace.  It takes away health.

Writing is a quick way for me to process my thoughts or sometimes just to vent.  If I don't, all of the things I'm worried about create stress. Lately my thoughts have been about concern for my children and their happiness and health.  My dental issues and the looming cost for repair - over 10% of my annual salary!  Depositions and a raccoon.  Failing and new technology in my buildings has kept me extremely busy at work.  Some of my students and their parents have robbed me of my sanity.  Add my commute to anywhere in the area, through the miles and miles of construction, and it's a challenge to stay positive.

So I have a glass of wine when I get home from work.  I choose cheese and crackers over veggies and hummus to snack on.  I walk the dog two laps instead of three.  I can't seem to turn the music up loud enough during my workouts at the YMCA to allow me to focus on working out for 30 minutes...instead, I hop from machine to machine.  (That isn't necessarily a bad thing, as I do stay in the fitness center for the 30 minutes. It's just that I used to work out for an hour!)

I have to get out of this rut of stuffing myself with the wrong foods and focusing on the bad things that happen around me.  Life is hard sometimes.  It's my attitude that will make it easier.


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