I am a Morning Person

I am a morning person, the two other people I live with are not.  I am out numbered, unless I count my dog Aiden, who can go either way, as long as there is food involved.  I tried to train all of my children in the habit of going to bed before midnight and wake up before 8 a.m.  I told them it was the way God intended.  I would say three out the four were morning people, the type like Aiden - if food was involved.  But my oldest son, Derrick never really was.  And it looks like he passed that trait down to his daughter Carly.

For the past three or four month's, my prayers were answered and Derrick got a job that required he join the morning person club.  In fact, he has to be at work by 5:00 a.m. so he sometimes goes to bed before me!  After work, he goes to the university full time and manages to pick up Carly from school and participates in her after school activities.  Meanwhile, I'm the one who takes Carly to school in the morning. 

Did I mention that she is not a morning person?


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