Clarence Again

For the past 24 hours, I can think of nothing but missing my Haylee. Unless you count missing my best friend ever, my sister Barb. Or being reminded of my mother, who loved fall and was born on Halloween. I am in such denial of my grief, I may just burst...and so I write. I drive to work everyday, behind a Ford Focus and think: the daughter was killed by a distracted driver in a Ford Focus. OR I think: the sister was run over by a train that she was controlling by remote control. OR my Irish Mother had a 'bloody' stroke at the EXACT time the van she was in, was T-Boned by a distracted driver, as she was taking lilies to the church on Good Friday. I think ALL of things are so unthinkable! Or nonsense...but they are REAL. I know that I must accept these things, even though I don't like them. Sometimes Clarence, it's hard to see the things the way God sees them.