The People I Love Most

My family is everything.  Even though they continuously and I sometime believe, intentionally, drive me nuts.  I don't always agree with them, and they don't always agree with me, but I love them no matter what.

I think that my parents are/were my greatest love.  They loved me no matter what I did.  Then I had my own children and I learned of a different love.  I understood why my parents loved me know matter what.  I think that is how God loves us.

Sometimes you're lucky enough that your family is also your friends. It'll be 21 years this March since my sister Barb died.  I miss her so. She was the one sibling who also was my friend.  We were in high school together.  She was the first of us to become a mom, followed by me.

Having seven brothers and sisters, with fourteen years between them, it's impossible to be 'friends' with them all.  I love all of my siblings, no matter what. 


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