The Power of Prayer

There are so many different ways to pray.  As many as people on the earth. Everyone has their own way to talk to God...which is what I think prayer is.

When I talk to God, I'm usually asking for guidance, or to look over someone I'm worried about, or sometimes just to thank Him for a good day. Sometimes I yell at God, especially when I don't understand how or why something happened. I think all that matters is that I am talking to Him.

I am praying without ceasing and I never really knew it. The only thing our creator wants from us is a relationship. Prayer is the communication of that relation.  Sometimes, I neglect my relationship with God.  I forget about it. I think I have all I need right here on earth. Then something happens and I am reminded that I don't have it all.

Most of the time, I don't even have it all together. Then it happens, sometimes it is a good thing, like a beautiful morning on the lake, or a bad thing, like waking to a smoke alarm.  Regardless of what it is, it fulfills its purpose when it helps me to talk to God again. It gets me to pray. And my spirit grows stronger.


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