How'd I Do?

It's Holy Saturday, my view is of Lake Wawasee, the water is so peaceful it makes me how have I grown? I started lent with the intention to find my joy.  I focused on Heaven, Health, and Happiness thinking I had great room for improvement in my prayer life and that my health has got to get better.  So how do I think I've done.

Self evaluation is difficult. Although I can be a great pretender, God really made me work on myself. I think losing my voice was the best lesson. I had to listen more. I think that awareness of me (not) listening is changing me more than anything. My children have said that to me before, but I only heard their words. I didn't listen. Now, I watch them and try to listen to what they say and do.

I learned that I can pray more for them. I noticed that they are struggling and frustrated. More than I realized. I can wait for them to ask for my help. I don't have to give suggestions or lecture them as they call it. I've learned that I can pray with everything I do.

I'm not sure that I'm joyful, in fact, I think that I've grown a bit more sad as I hear my children crying in the everyday trials they are going through. I pray that they figure it out and find a joyful solution to their problems. I pray that they learn what prayer can do for them, what a relationship with God can do.

So I will improve my spirit as I improve my relationship with Him. And maybe, just maybe they will too.


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