
Sometimes, I feel like there is a lack of compassion in our world today.  I feel this way when I see or hear other people judging others.   I'm continually telling my students that the only person they can control is the person wearing the shoes on their feet.  I do this when young, primary grade, students tattletale on their classmates.  They are consumed with what other students are doing instead of with what they are doing.

I feel this way when family members judge others for their decisions.  I want to remind them, that the only person they are responsible for is the person wearing their shoes.  I know that my gut reminds me of this every time I fall into the trap of judging my family as they react to things around them.  I have to constantly work on not reacting to others; to feel compassion for what they are doing or feeling.  I try to find some understanding of others.  I ask myself:  What would I do if I was walking in their shoes?

These lessons are ongoing.  I do not always get it right.  But I know that I've experienced alot of difficult situations.  I can understand others going through similar things as I've been there.  I think that experience transfers to wisdom and understanding, the foundation of compassion.

Be kind to one another!


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