Boundless Compassion

It's funny how life gives you what you need.  Or perhaps, God gives us what we need. As I continue my thoughts on compassion, both giving and receiving it, I was was reminded about self love. The parish where I work is having a parish mission called:  The Journey Towards Boundless Compassion:  Walk With Me.  I chance to attend a mini session of the mission with a group of kindergartners.

The first speaker reminded us that God loves us, he created us all uniquely out of love. We are a necessary part of how God wants the world to be.  I was reminded that compassion allows us to love each other no matter what and that it begins with the love of Jesus and flows from the love of self.

As a single mom, raising four completely different individuals, I was always trying to understand them.  I could tell that some of them had more 'spirIT' than the others.   It was like they were born it 'IT'.  I wish that all people new that they have the spirit of God within them.  As Catholics, we are reminded of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  That was one of the main reasons I chose to sacrifice so that I could afford a Catholic education for my children.  I will never regret that sacrifice.

By the way, we also learned a new song:  Spirit, Spirit, Jesus inside of us. Spirit, Spirit, gift of His love.


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