Morning Sounds

I turn off my alarm on the weekends and not that the weather is warmer, I sleep with the windows open.  This morning, it was the song of a cardinal that woke me up.  My windows face the street, so usually the city sounds of cars and buses is all I hear.  I have to go to the back yard to hear the sounds of nature.

I'm sure that's why the cardinal's song this morning awakened me.  It was beautiful and clear. It was 7:00 am.  As I lay in bed, I began listening for the other birds.  The chirping of the robin and the cooing of the morning dove, or pigeon.

My dog Aiden, wouldn't let me lay awake too long without getting his day started.  So we headed out back to see a half dozen squirrels, scurrying on the neighbor's large oak tree.  A few were demonstrating their high balance routine on the electrical wires.

The grass was cut and the tree still smelled wonderful.  Life is good.


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