The Sound of Ice

I'm 56 years old and I'd never heard the sound of thin ice before today!

I had noticed a pair of swans coming in for a landing this morning on Lake Wawasee and went outside for a closer look.  One of the swans had gotten up and began walking on the ice that had formed overnight.  With each step that the swan took, I heard this strange, somewhat amplified sound.  This intrigued me to watch some more so that I could locate the source of the sound.

If you google 'thin ice sounds' you will be able to listen several different recordings of what I am writing about.  It sounds like twanging.  Or the sound springs make when you have a squeaky mattress.  My son compared it to the bending of a long saw.

Ironically, it's the sound of tension although it reduces mine when I hear it!


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