The Letter R

As I was driving to work today, I remembered that I haven't been writing daily as I like.  This blog reminds me to take care of myself and allows me space to 'vent' or process things in my daily life.  When I am not taking the time to do this, I'm stuffing my feelings and frustrations...and do I have alot of that going on right now.

I wrote about my foot surgery on March 9 and shared a few other things afterwards. In fact, it's been nearly a month since my last post. I never shared how frustrated I was during the non'weight bearing phase of my recovery.

I would like to say I am rested, or more resilient, but that wouldn't be very truthful.  Today is exactly eight weeks since my surgery.  Two days ago, I was given the okay to walk, with the boot.  The doctor said I'm doing well but I can tell you, it hurts like hell.  I'm now experiencing a different kind of pain.  The pain you feel when you start using muscles and bones you haven't used for two months.  (I never imagined that this is what I signed up for!)

So I'm trying to be resilient.  Looking for the good like:  My hands won't hurt as much now that I'm walking (not crawling) up and down the stairs.  I'm not using crutches or the scooter.  I'm slightly more independent, although slower than a tortoise.  I am in recovery of my body, mind, & spirit.


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