
Showing posts from February, 2016


I've put about 30,000 miles on my Jeep since I aquired it about two years ago.

A Snow Day?

Yesterday, the weathermen were going crazy about a winter storm.  (We've had a very mild winter here in Toledo so anything gets them excited.) Anyhow, around noon, my daughter calls me from Indiana, telling me they sent everyone home from her workplace because of the storm.  I tell her it's raining here but I also thinking "perhaps this is a serious storm". As evening arrives, I'm still waiting for the rain to turn to snow, and it finally does around nine.  I think to myself, it's going to be a quiet night of sleep, with the padding of snow silencing the neighborhood.  In reality it wasn't that quiet, so that at 5:30 a.m. when my alarm clock went off I had to mosey on down to see what was up.  The news had zero local closings or delays...and then...within 15 minutes they all fell down.  I mean really, no delays, just closed!  Happy happy joy joy - although I still have to work - I get to sleep for 2 more hours.  (I go in at 7 when there is school and

Just Sayin'


More Grief

I'm not a good swimmer, but I haven't drowned. I remember the first time I dove into the pool for exercise.  I was at the Francis Family YMCA and I had decided that I needed to add swimming to my weekly exercise.  I told myself that I had to stay in the pool for 20 minutes or 10 laps (there and backs).  At first, it was the 20 minutes, but soon I was out of there in less than 20. I changed my plan and committed to 30 minutes of time versus counting laps.  I remember doing four different strokes (breast, right side, left side, and back).  I was a faithful 'swimmer'.  Not that fast but I didn't drown.  I swam for three years until I stopped five years ago. I stopped because in 2010, the year I turned 50, my house caught fire and I lived with my brother for six months while the damage was repaired.  The stress of it caused be to develop shingles.  I didn't think shingles were a good thing to put in the pool water so I stopped.  After two months, I was out o


Sometimes I turn the music up as loud as I can stand.  Sometimes I want to drive as fast as my car will's only 4 cylinders...and so it goes slow.  Sometimes I want to drink all the wine I can find...but after three glasses, I forget, whatever I was doing. I think that my ability to find humor in my situation is a good thing. I think, that when I think of my is sad. Sometimes, I am so sad, that I cannot find the humor and I just need to escape. Escape = Drinking all the wine and turning up the music and driving as fast as I can. Now of course, I only do this on paper.  I only dream of this as a way of escape.  I keep forgetting that I will never see my beautiful 30 year old daughter again...she would be 32 now. I only dream that I would be in a loving relationship by now...I've been divorced for over 25 years. Sometimes, I think that I would be paid for all the work that I do...I work in Catholic Education Again I am reminded that life is

A Top 5 City?

A website that lists real estate named Toledo in the top ten Sin Cities.  In fact, it was number five!  They criteria was based on the Seven Deadly Sins:  lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride.  They compared the number of residents to the number of venues that related to each sin:  Restaurants, adult entertainment, casinos, salons and plastic surgeons, crime statistics and a survey of residents about exercise. As I sit here thinking about this - I'm wondering - can I blame this little tidbit for my decline in health? Obviously the answer is no.  I am the sole caretaker of me.

Forty Days of Health

Another Lenten Season begins tomorrow and as I ponder over what my focus will be, my health keeps coming to the forefront.  I've just read a report that says my cholesterol is high.  I've known my weight and BMI are more than they've been in five years.  And sometimes, my blood pressure is elevated.  Pictures are popping up on facebook, reminding me of what I did 2, 3...5 years ago.  I see a healthier person in them. I can be that fitter person again.  I'm beginning today ---- not tomorrow --- so no Fat Tuesday excuses for me.  I can do this!  I can take care of me!