
Showing posts from October, 2015

80th Birthday

My Mom, aka the lunchroom lady, during a Halloween parade at Raymer School sometime in the 80's My mom was born on Halloween.  She would be celebrating her 80th birthday this year.  I'm writing this blog from the oldest (working) computer in my house, a Mac Power PC G4.  It was the one I used when my mom was alive and is still where 95% of my photos are.  [Now that's scary!] My mom has been in heaven since 2008.  I miss her.  Sometimes I think of the sad times, like the day of her funeral, when Haylee helped me make it through the day.  But most times I think of times of her life, like always giving you something when you left her house: one day she gave me a pencil!  I looked at her confused and she said:  My mom always gave me something when I left, so ... I can't help myself so just take it! I remember my mom riding her bike to work at Raymer school.  Did you know that she was the only one of the girls in her family that learned how to drive! (I guess my Aunt

Unexpected Angels

Today has not gone anything like I thought it would. Healthy Choices First of all, I had a dentist appointment  This was supposed to be the 2nd step in a four step process to repair the tooth that broke on Labor Day.  But a half hour into the appointment, it was determined that there were complications from the 1st step and that I needed another extraction.  So I had to call off work for the entire day.  I sent a text with lesson plans to my principal and let the dentist get on with his work. Four stitches and 90 minutes later, I was on my way home to rest for day. (I know, the elementary school teachers reading this blog are thinking ' tough break, having an unexpected sick day on halloween'. ..) A short while later, there was a knock at my door, so Aiden's barking woke me from my rest.  It was a friend bringing me lunch!  An angel, helping me make good choices!  Thank you so much for the veggies and hummus!  The numbness has finally worn off and I'm able to en

Stuck In a Rut

I cannot believe how long it has been since I've written.  My last post date was over two weeks ago and my body is letting me know.  I'm tired, sore, and I can't play the music loud enough to drown out my thoughts.  Stress is a thief.  It takes away peace.  It takes away health. Writing is a quick way for me to process my thoughts or sometimes just to vent.  If I don't, all of the things I'm worried about create stress. Lately my thoughts have been about concern for my children and their happiness and health.  My dental issues and the looming cost for repair - over 10% of my annual salary!  Depositions and a raccoon.  Failing and new technology in my buildings has kept me extremely busy at work.  Some of my students and their parents have robbed me of my sanity.  Add my commute to anywhere in the area, through the miles and miles of construction, and it's a challenge to stay positive. So I have a glass of wine when I get home from work.  I choose cheese an

Crunchy Leaves

One of my favorite sounds in the world is the leaves crunching and scraping the ground as a kick my way through them.  I believe this weekend was the beginning of the leaves falling. As I walk through the park with Aiden, he sniffs and smells everything.  I have to admit, I also enjoy the earthy aroma of drying leaves.  It's a wonderful time of year. Right now, many of the trees are still green.  I can't wait until all of the trees change colors to enjoy the beautiful sight that God made for us.

18 Months Later

Dear Haylee, I can't believe it's been 18 months since you died.  Sometimes it seems like yesterday. Sometimes I can't believe it happened at all. Today we all went to church at St. Pat's and then stopped off at the cemetery where your ashes are.  After that we went to St. Rose for JC and Jen's baby, Cobie Jade's baptism. I thought about Carly's baptism two years ago, at St. Pat's - because you were there.  That was one of the last times we were all in church together. I thought about Cobie's great grandma Herman, her grandmother and your god mother, Barb and you.  I'm sure you were all looking down at us with pride and joy. I miss you. Love, Mom

I am a Morning Person

I am a morning person, the two other people I live with are not.  I am out numbered, unless I count my dog Aiden, who can go either way, as long as there is food involved.  I tried to train all of my children in the habit of going to bed before midnight and wake up before 8 a.m.  I told them it was the way God intended.  I would say three out the four were morning people, the type like Aiden - if food was involved.  But my oldest son, Derrick never really was.  And it looks like he passed that trait down to his daughter Carly. For the past three or four month's, my prayers were answered and Derrick got a job that required he join the morning person club.  In fact, he has to be at work by 5:00 a.m. so he sometimes goes to bed before me!  After work, he goes to the university full time and manages to pick up Carly from school and participates in her after school activities.  Meanwhile, I'm the one who takes Carly to school in the morning.  Did I mention that she is not a mo

Self Entertainer

Super Skylar! I am fortunate to be able to watch my granddaughter while her parents are out of town.  It's one of the easiest things I have to do.  She is so good at entertaining herself.  She constantly cracks herself up! Love and laughter all around.  Life is good!

All Routines Are Not Good

My mother taught me that babies need a routine to feel secure. Now that I'm older, I know that humans in general, need routines to feel safe.  But not all routines are good. In the aftermath of yet another mass shooting, President Obama  stated that we have become numb.  We are no longer shocked by the murder of innocent people.  It's as if we expect this sort of violence.  And why not, it happens weekly. The people of the United States are going through a routine, to process the evil events of mass shootings.  We are trying to understand something that does not make sense.  What we need to do is make a change.  We can begin with being kind to all people.