
Showing posts from January, 2021


At St. Anne's ER Today started out as a great day!  Snow was on the ground.  I made pancakes.  And then I went out to shovel with my granddaughter.  We were about halfway done when I slipped on some ice.  My body went in the direction I was going and my foot went in another.  I couldn't believe it!  I cussed. I felt like vomiting.  It hurt like hell. My neighbor walked towards me to help me up and he slipped on the same ice!  He landed on his butt and was okay.  They helped me in and I proceeded to ice and elevate.  I did this for an hour and when my granddaughter came in, I had her wrap what I thought was a sprain with an ace bandage.  After three more hours of ice and elevate, I was still in pain...pain enough to put tears in my eyes. So off to the emergency room I went.  90 minutes and some x-rays later, I left with the diagnosis of a closed break to my right fibula.  I have never broke anything before in my life! As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1550 calo


1st Coat Primer It's Saturday and a snow storm has been predicted.  Snow has been predicted before without any results, but they expecting more. So I, like others headed to buy some salt. I also purchases some paint for the tiles around the fireplace in my living room.  I can't believe I'm going to paint them, but after looking at them for the past year, I think they need an update.  I purchased a shade of white called 'Greek Villa'.   The plan is 2 coats of primer and 3 coats of paint.  Fingers crossed!  As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1351 calories food and 51 oz. water.

Feeling Accomplished

I feel good and tired! Today I finished a large part of a big job that is usually completed in the summer months when students are not in the building.  I also found time to take my dog, Aiden, to the park.  I thought I was going to walk a mile with him but we both thought it was too cold.  So I just let him run for a while in the empty field.  Now to move away from the computer and relax! As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1756 calories food and 68 oz. water.

Pretty Good One

  My day didn't start out that great but right now, I'm feeling pretty good.   Just when I thought I had the chronic inflammation related to the two foot surgeries I had in 2016 under control, my ankle was swollen again. All last night and into this morning, I could hardly put any weight on it.  Unfortunately, I had to get up three times to go potty!  I guess my body was ridding itself of the excess water and toxins.  Still, I limped into work. As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1419 calories food and 59 oz. water.  And now I will head to my weekly massage!  Pretty good huh?

Twas a Good Day

  It's Wednesday, we are standardized testing at school and deploying 140 devices.  I've been busy. I arrive to work early and leave exhausted.  The good news is, I solved many problems today, It was a good day! I came home from work, drank some water and made some chicken noodle soup for dinner.  I also enjoyed a peanut butter and butter sandwich which always reminds me of my childhood.  Practically everyday after school, I came home to peanut butter sandwich or peanut butter toast.  Comfort food.  As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1500 calories food and 51 oz. water.

Decided on Dry

       One thing I've learned through the years is that I don't always make good decisions about food when I have been to Happy Hour. I've also experienced the greatest amount of weight loss when I abstain.  In 2006-7 I lost over 75 pounds in nine months.  I kept that weight off for over 5 years---while attending Happy Hour!  It wasn't until some pretty big events happened in my life, when I turned to food instead of working through my emotions.  With that in mind, I've decided to be dry for these 40 days.  As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1489 calories food and 59 oz. water.

Emotional Eater

 Hello, my name is Mary and I am an emotional eater. I don't know when it started but I know that it is true.  I eat because I'm happy.  I eat when I am sad.  I also eat when I'm frustrated, mad, and scared.  This is not a good thing unless I'm hungry when I'm feeling those emotions. I need to eat when I am hungry and in order to do that, I have to first, let myself get hungry. I also need to do something else, like writing, when I'm feeling emotional. As I check my calorie tracker for today it states:  1710 calories food and 51 oz. water.

Forty Days of Change

  Soon we all will have been in quarantine for a year. A year of staying home. A year of staying away from other people.  Away from the people we work with, our friends, our family.  It's been difficult for everyone.  It's been difficult for me.  I've been struggling with taking care of myself. I worry about my family, my dog, our country...just about anything to keep me from caring for myself.   Well now's the time to look in the mirror and get back to the basics.  My clothes are feeling snug.  My sleep is not as deep.  I'm sure I'm more on the depressed side than not and I saw the number 200 on the scale this morning.  And so I will write.  Writing is therapy to me.  I will eat better than I have been.  I will move my body through space.  I will brush my teeth. I will stretch.  I will read and I will pray.  Twenty days to break habits and twenty days to develop better ones!