
At St. Anne's ER Today started out as a great day! Snow was on the ground. I made pancakes. And then I went out to shovel with my granddaughter. We were about halfway done when I slipped on some ice. My body went in the direction I was going and my foot went in another. I couldn't believe it! I cussed. I felt like vomiting. It hurt like hell. My neighbor walked towards me to help me up and he slipped on the same ice! He landed on his butt and was okay. They helped me in and I proceeded to ice and elevate. I did this for an hour and when my granddaughter came in, I had her wrap what I thought was a sprain with an ace bandage. After three more hours of ice and elevate, I was still in pain...pain enough to put tears in my eyes. So off to the emergency room I went. 90 minutes and some x-rays later, I left with the diagnosis of a closed break to my right fibula. I have never broke anything before in my life! ...