Look Behind You

Not as bad as it could've been.
Yesterday, on my way to the YMCA, I was stopped at a red light in a residential area.  As I was sitting there, I noticed that the person living there was trying to leave.  She had her car in reverse, then changed her mind as the light turned red and traffic was blocking her, she put her car into park.  I was last in the line of cars waiting when a bus came up behind me.

As the light was turning green up ahead, I noticed that the car was put back into reverse.  I started thinking to myself, she knows I'm here so she'll waiting for me to move. The car started backing up, and I wasn't moving yet.  It was light slow motion: Really, does she not see me?  Is that car really backing up?!  ----- BUMP!!  And my car moved.

I couldn't believe it.  I was in shock.  I rolled down the passenger window and said to the driver as she pulled back up in her driveway; Really?  I mean really?  You didn't see my bright blue car? I've been here the entire time?  She replied, I saw the bus and thought he stopped to let me out.

UGH! I'm thinking as my heart is beating fast and my arms are shaking. She apologized over and over and said, come here look.  It's nothing.  Believe me, it's going to be okay.


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