
Showing posts from November, 2016

Boundless Compassion

It's funny how life gives you what you need.  Or perhaps, God gives us what we need. As I continue my thoughts on compassion, both giving and receiving it, I was was reminded about self love. The parish where I work is having a parish mission called:  The Journey Towards Boundless Compassion:  Walk With Me.  I chance to attend a mini session of the mission with a group of kindergartners. The first speaker reminded us that God loves us, he created us all uniquely out of love. We are a necessary part of how God wants the world to be.  I was reminded that compassion allows us to love each other no matter what and that it begins with the love of Jesus and flows from the love of self. As a single mom, raising four completely different individuals, I was always trying to understand them.  I could tell that some of them had more 'spirIT' than the others.   It was like they were born it 'IT'.  I wish that all people new that they have the spirit of God within them.

Continuing Compassion

Last week, I wrote about compassion.  I stumbled across this saying "It is lack of love for ourselves that inhibits our compassion toward others.." and I just had to revisit it. All of my life, I have been called selfish by some people, because I have self love.  I struggle with this as I believe that I was 'born' with happiness.  In fact, the Christmas stocking my mom made me said 'Happy Mary'.  The bible tells us to Love your neighbor as yourself.  So the first step to this is self love. Believe me, I don't always like myself, but that doesn't mean I don't love me.  I get mad at myself when I do things I shouldn't and then I try to do better.  For the most part, I do my best to communicate my wants and needs to others. Sometimes, other people help me to get those things.  I also try to help others achieve/acquire their wants and needs.  The key to this is communication. The purpose of human life is to serve, show compassion, and to


Sometimes, I feel like there is a lack of compassion in our world today.  I feel this way when I see or hear other people judging others.   I'm continually telling my students that the only person they can control is the person wearing the shoes on their feet.  I do this when young, primary grade, students tattletale on their classmates.  They are consumed with what other students are doing instead of with what they are doing. I feel this way when family members judge others for their decisions.  I want to remind them, that the only person they are responsible for is the person wearing their shoes.  I know that my gut reminds me of this every time I fall into the trap of judging my family as they react to things around them.  I have to constantly work on not reacting to others; to feel compassion for what they are doing or feeling.  I try to find some understanding of others.  I ask myself:  What would I do if I was walking in their shoes? These lessons are ongoing.  I do no