Missing Strong Women

Wow, I'm missing my mom today. She always seemed to know what to say. If she were here, I would ask her about losing Barb. How long did it take to feel like herself again OR did she just get used to the new version of herself. The one with the giant hole in her heart. I'm also missing my sister Barb today. Besides being my sister, she was my friend. We went to high school shared a bed growing up and went to high school together. We had so much fun in high school. We were very spirited. She was the first in our family to divorce, so she helped me when I went through mine. We both watched kids in our homes so we did alot of things together. She was almost as wise as our mom. I'm always missing my Haylee. She loved her Grandma Herman and Aunt Barb was her God-mother. Haylee was fun. She was the jokester of our family. She always found a way to cheer other people up. I hope the three of them (Mo...