
Showing posts from April, 2018

We Can Do Better!

I heard on the news this week that once every minute, a Distracted Driving Crash happens in the United States.  Then, as I was driving home from Indiana today, as I entered Ohio, a sign displayed: Distracted Driving Crashes in 2017: 20, 597 !!!  Come on people, we can do better!

The Greeter

Oadie! Last spring, my neighbors announced that they were getting a pot belly pig for a pet. I have to admit, I rolled my eyes and shook my head in disbelief.  'What are they thinking?' I thought.  Why would they want a miniature pig for a pet here in the city?  Add to that, on hot humid days, I could 'smell' the fact that my neighbor had a pig. I was not pleased with their choice. The hot humid days have passed and the once rather small pet has grown to be three times his size.  His name is Oadie.  Oadie likes to get into the bags of recyclables that were typically placed near the fence of the driveway.  It only took one time of coming home to a yard of cans for my neighbors to learn to place the cans on the other side of the fence.   While annoying to his owner, Oadie was providing me with a little entertainment from the view of his world from my kitchen sink. My 50 pound dog, Aiden, is quite unsure of Oadie. Aiden runs the fence with th...

Life Changing

Eleven years ago, my dad and mom were in a car accident.  It was Good Friday. They were picking up Easter Lilies from the florist to decorate their church.  On they way, they were T-boned and my mom bumped her head. This caused bleeding on the brain and she was paralyzed on the right side of her body.  Our lives were changed forever. I will always remember that day.  The look on my dad's face - never being in a car accident.  They were to celebrate 50 years of marriage in September.

A Mother's Wish

This week will is turning out to be a tough one and it's only Sunday.  It'll be four years of not seeing Haylee.  It's hard to believe she's been gone that long.  Paul had a birthday last week and he said: Now I'm as old as Haylee.  Apparently, I'm not the only one thinking about her. Sometimes I just look at my children and wonder if I did enough.

Emotional Eating

I have always been a fan of desserts, but lately, I have been eating my way through my emotions.  I feel stress at home, living with my adult sons and granddaughter and at work while transitioning through new administration.  I have not been taking care of myself. As a result, I have gained back the ten pounds I lost before Christmas. This morning, I weighed in at 204.6 pounds.  I hadn't weighed myself in two months, knowing that the scale was moving in the wrong direction.  If I don't hold myself accountable, who will?