
Showing posts from April, 2016

Snap Out of It!

If only I could just snap my fingers and get out of this poor me mood. I've been in it for several weeks and it's beginning to  seem like months. I have been in this position before:  'Woe is me!'   This type of depression is not always willing to leave a person.  Or perhaps, some people are not always willing to let it go. I know that looking at the bright side, seeing the good, and expressing gratitude are tools that work for me.  I just have to make up my mind to choose MORE of those things than I am doing now, leaving little room for the poor me's. Awareness is the first step.  Now to take action!

Clarence 2

This past week certainly has been a challenge for me.  As I try to recover for foot surgery, laying around doing pretty much nothing except propping my foot up, I have nothing but time to think about Haylee.  I can't believe that it has been two years since you went to heaven.  I long to hear your voice.  I am sad that I do not have any saved voicemails.


Last night I dreamed I was on a bus filled with all kinds of people from my past.  Most of the people were friends of my children.  The dream seemed to have something to do with school, testing, the lake, and someone chasing us. The bus was traveling very fast down a street that looked like we were in San Francisco and when it reached the bottom,  the street met the water, the bus failed to turn and landed in the ocean. The waves were huge.  The bus was slowing filling with water and we were sinking.  I was sitting behind the driver and made a mad dash to escape by pushing the door open when the driver calmly said, I wouldn't do that if I were you.  You will only make things worse.  I looked at him confused and said but we are all going to drown.  Don't you want us to live? Of course he said yes, but that we had to wait for the bus to be completely submerged and then the doors would open easily and all will be safe.  He was so sure of himself, that I believed him.  I re

Four Weeks Later

I admit it - I'm not as strong, nor healthy as I once thought.  After doing nothing for four weeks, I feel myself getting out of shape.  I need to do some cardio! Today it took me nearly 15 minutes to get myself up and go downstairs to make breakfast.  Each day, it seems to take me just a little longer.  I'm so used to getting faster at doing the things I do daily not the other way around.  UGH!!! ... think positive, think positive...I will be pain free, I will be pain free, I will workout again.