
Showing posts from February, 2018

Happiness is a Choice

Sometimes I forget that I have a choice and I let other people cause me to be unhappy. 

Car Trouble

Car wouldn't start today and it wasn't the battery.  Apparently, there is a device that sends a message when the car is in park.  If the message isn't sent, the car won't start even though it is in park.  $285 poorer. 

It Was a Good Day

It started with a few chores.  Next up was a good workout at the YMCA.  Then lunch with my little sister followed by some shopping.  Ended the day with some of my high school classmates planning our 40th reunion!  And now I'm watching olympics, reading and writing.  Life was good today!

Can't Get Food Out of My Head

Stress, stress, and more stress causes my brain to think that I'm hungry.  It seems like I'm always thinking about what I'm going to eat next.  I am hoping that being aware of it and writing about it will help me to change the pattern. 

Another 40 Days

Today begins another season of Lent.  The forty days before Easter Sunday are meant to prepare to become more like Jesus.  It's a time of reflection and honesty.  I have come to realize I'm not as healthy as I wish I would be.  And although I don't want to beat myself up, I have to admit that I'm a mess inside. I'm worried about my family.  I'm worried about my livelyhood and finances.  I feel alone. For now, I've decided that I will fast all adult beverages. I cannot overeat and drink at the same time.  I am mindful of that disaster.  I will listen more when I'm out with friends, reflecting on their stories.

Emotional Eating

I use food to comfort me.  I eat when I'm stressed. I stuff my negative feelings like lonliness, worry, fear, with food.  Right now, I'm out of control. 

Satin Snow

This is

After Dark

So after promising myself, to stick to a healthy eating regimen and working out in some form or another everyday, I blew it in the evening. UGH!!! After a great cardio workout followed by strength training, I came home and at three separate meals/snacks between 7:00 and 9:00 pm.  I need to figure out how to stop myself from eating after dinner.  It is not good for me. I don't sleep well when I do.  The struggle is real.

What Will Stop Me?

The number on the scale today is not a good one.  It begins with a 2!  Two means poop!