Long Away

I have been away from writing for a while. Sometimes this is a time management issue. Other times, I just can't believe what is going on in my life or the world so I keep quiet. Apparently, I have found time today. I'm not real sure what I have to say except that I am really grateful that I live in Ohio today. The reason I'm so happy about Ohio today is that up here in NW Ohio, Toledo to be exact, we've had a pretty good summer. Not too hot or humid...just a couple of sweaty days...and pretty much no rain until recently. Weather determines alot of what we as people experience in our lives. Areas in the Gulf of Mexico are experiencing weather like they have never seen before. Some southerners are or were more prepared than others. I remember the times I lived on the gulf or on the Atlantic. In 1984, I remember running away from Hurricane Dianna when I lived in Virginia Beach. I remember my exchange student from Sweden, Gustav, in 2005 wat...