
Showing posts from September, 2020

Hard Topics

 What do you do when you bring up a 'topic' that seem to put off those who you wish to engage?I This has always been frustrating to me.  I consider myself a realist.  I tell you like I see it. As a mother, I take pride in not 'babying' my children.  I called it as I saw it.  My children, still, to this day, do not appreciate this quality of mine.  (They range in age 32-38)  I will be 60 this year. I am approaching my 60th year of life, in the midst of a pandemic, and having lived through nearly six months of quarantine and apparently, I still don't get it.  My children walk away when I mention a serious topic.   Serious topics include:  Neighbor relations, family obligations, interracial interactions, religious beliefs or obligations, general household chores or responsibilities. REALLY!!??? I take a deep breath and don't know what to do.  How can I instill my beliefs into my family.  How do I engage them in a conversation to learn what they think? I shake my he